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5 keypoints to understand the ATT (Arms Trade Treaty)
Global group concerns itself with the overall wellness of its clients, which is why we have the Global Defense. Of the many things that we do, we also indulge in Arms Trade Treaty. Now, you may be wondering what this is about or how it works. Understandably, it may not be a familiar term to many people. First, what is a treaty? Treaties are agreements between international bodies. So, a treaty that is on the trade of arms is an agreement between international bodies. So, it could be countries or international organizations that operate between multiple countries on the regulation...
Why choose a private military company ?
How do you define security? For us at Global Defense, we believe that it is relative. For some people, security could be the protection of persons. However, it could be the protection of data for other people. Security for us is a lifestyle. It is a way to guarantee you can live a normal life without even caring of the most basic right of being safe. As a part of our Global Defense, we decided to divulge into owning a private military company. This helps us deliver security services to people worldwide. Now, you may be wondering, why should I...